Prestolog pellets are not my first choice. My personal list in order would be1. Goldenfire. 2. Lignetics3. Blazer4. AtlasThe top Three Brans are a Douglas Fir blend Pellet . They haves the lowest ash contentThe word PREMIUM Is to Broad It means any pellet under 1% ash and as low as .25% (1/4) that may not sound like much but it makes a big difference in your stove. At this time I cannot recommended any pellet made from oak or agriculture waste ( corn,nut shells etc.Always try a bag or two before you by a whole pallet of a new brand of pellets that you are not familiar with.
Question 2, The rope seal around the door is coming off. What do I use to secure it back in place? Any special instructions?
OSH has High temp Silicone in the stove section, that is what I use to seal rope gasket back on doors.