Here we go again folks, The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District is lumping you, the clean burning energy conscious pellet stove users in with wood stove and fireplaces burners.
Instead of giving you an exemption for choosing a clean air product, that not only eliminates barrels of oil that our state and country buy from countries that hate us, they have lumped you right in there with wood stoves. My guess is that Larry Green and his staff at the SMAQMD have never even seen a home heated by a pellet stove, if they had they would know that when you have your beautiful stove going that nobody in the neighbor even knows it is on while you enjoying your warm cozy home.
There were 5 community meetings in the Sacramento area this this summer. Oh, you say you didn't know about those? Do you suppose that's the way they wanted. Your air district board which is made up by the members of the Sacramento county board of supervisors supported amendments to "rule 421" to increase the number of days that you can not use your pellet stove. The only board member to vote NO vote was Robert J McGarvey Representative from Rancho Cordova. Thank you Mr McGarvey for standing up for what is right and not be a roll over politician.
Here is the Air Boards own numbers for pellet stoves VS wood stove and fireplaces
Board Memo
Rule 421
September 24, 2009, Page 10
Device TypePM2.5 perdevice per year
Aesthetic 3
Heating 24
Uncertified wood stove 71
Catalytic wood stove 47
Non-Catalytic wood stove 34
Uncertified wood insert 57
Catalytic wood insert 38
Non-Catalytic wood insert 27
Pellet stove 6 ( Do we belong with the above aplliances?)
Its time to get organized! Lets get Pellet Stove exempt from no burn days! Its time to let your politicians know that they work for you.
More to come,
Robin McDonell
The Pellet Stove Guys